Carbon HaTsafon Land Innovation Ltd. is a company engaged in Carbon Sequestration and agricultural knowledge management using carbon farming methods. The company engages in connection in cooperation between farmers and farmer organizations. We offer the Israeli farmers a crop that doesn’t require harvesting or transporting, a crop with a high financial and environmental value.
The Paris Agreement is an agreement drawn up during the UN Climate Conference, dealing with reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, minimizing the existing damage, and funding the handling of greenhouse gas emissions by the world’s countries. The agreement was ratified on December 12, 2015, during the Climate Conference in Paris and was signed in 2016. It was signed by 195 countries, including Israel. The Paris Agreement is the most comprehensive and first agreement dealing with the climate issue in the world.
The agricultural sector is a sector capable of turning into a CO2 curator from a CO2 emitter. In fact, there is no other field in the world where it is possible, with the right and appropriate management, to make a change with such great potential.
The challenge is to turn standard agricultural processing methods, such as intensive mechanization, land segmentation, synthetic fertilization, and chemical pesticides, deforestation, overgrazing, methods that cause significant release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, into methods that allow the long-term storage and sequestration of carbon in the soil (decades to centuries, or more).
Carbon Farming succeeds when carbon profits stemming from improved management of soil-plant systems outweigh carbon losses from the same land unit.
Our operating principles are
How does it work?
Everyone profits
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